How can I make a trade in domain reselling? In order to make the registrant change, log into your domain reselling via your myhosttech customer center and switch to...
Price lists for domain reselling With the Domain Reselling Tool you can act as a reseller for domains yourself and benefit from lower prices depending...
Can I register domains in real time? New registrations of domains as well as changes you make in the Domain Reselling Tool will be taken over immediately...
What is end customer management and how can it be used? You can access the end customer administration as follows: log into your myhosttech customer center and go to your domain...
How can I add additional users for end customer management in domain reselling? New users can be acquired in the following ways: log into your myhosttech customer center and go to your domain...
How can I top up the credit in domain reselling? The charging is done as follows: log into your myhosttech customer center and go to your domain reselling At the...
How can I restore a domain in domain reselling? If a domain extension cannot be carried out due to insufficient credit or an unintentional deletion and the registration period...